In today’s digital age, cloud data breaches are becoming more and more common, and they are set to continue to be more common as more of the world moves toward this way of working.
It is no secret that the Coronavirus Pandemic has potentially helped to push more organisations into this way of working and thinking as well. When many of us were suddenly faced with the need to stay in and work from home, this forced some businesses to adapt there and then.
Security, however, is a very important part of this. It is inexcusable to leave personal information open and accessible in the cloud, and victims whose personal information is misused or exposed could be eligible to claim compensation.
Were you affected by the data breach that involved Virgin Media that was discovered and widely publicised in March 2020? You could be eligible to claim compensation now on a No Win, No Fee basis.
We are representing thousands of people right now who have received confirmation that they have been affected by this leak. Information was left exposed and accessible online for a period of around 10 months, and it was accessed by at least one unknown third party.
If you have been the victim of a data breach, you could be entitled to claim compensation. Victims of the Virgin Media data leak are already claiming in our group action, and you could too.
There are usually deadlines to join cases like this, so do not miss out and leave it too late to start your case. It is really easy to get started, and all you need to do is complete a few forms on our dedicated website here now.
We are confident that we will be able to succeed with our legal action, which is why we are offering No Win, No Fee legal representation.
People affected by data breaches then falling victim to fraud from cyberattacks is a real risk. This threat is not to be ignored, and it does happen.
Victims of the Virgin Media data exposure are not necessarily at risk of fraud from cyberattacks but could be at risk from the leak of their personal information. The data for some 900,000 people was left exposed for a prolonged period of time, and it was accessed by an unknown party.
It is hard to know what can happen to exposed information, but it can end up on the dark web where it can then be abused. The risks are real, and data breach victims need to be wary.
Consumer data breaches can often be large events where many thousands of people are affected. We saw this with the Virgin Media data leak that was discovered in 2020, where some 900,000 people were affected when their personal information was exposed.
People can come together to join their claims into one powerful action, and we are doing this for those affected by the Virgin Media data leak. This can help us as specialist lawyers to take on some of the biggest companies in the world, which is exactly what we can do.
We represent thousands of people involved in group actions pursuing damages for consumer data breaches. It is easy to join the Virgin Media compensation action by completing a few simple forms here now.
It can be argued that the Virgin Media data leak that was discovered in early 2020 is an example of how being complacent about data protection can cause significant problems.
In this event, it was discovered by a third-party security researcher that a database containing the details of some 900,000 people was accessible online. Most of the people whose information was on the database were customers, but there were also some others in there as well. It was found that the database had been accessible for a period of 10 months between April 2019 and February 2020. And, during that time, at least one unknown third party is understood to have accessed the compromised database.
What this meant is that a staggering 900,000 people lost control over their personal information. As a result of this event, thousands of people have signed up to join our action for compensation, and you may still be eligible to start your case here now.
One of the reasons as to why we are so concerned when we see privacy breaches like the Virgin Media one that we represent thousands of people for is because of data like passwords found on the dark web.
When information is hacked, it can often end up on the dark web for sale for criminals to then exploit. Whilst the Virgin Media data leak was not understood to have included passwords, it did include enough data for people to be exploited. And that can be enough for people to fall victim to crime and suffer as a result.
You can join the Virgin Media data breach group compensation action here now.
The need for any organisation to have really good data protection practices in place is absolutely essential, and Virgin Media is no different in this regard at all.
However, back in early 2020, it was revealed that they had failed to secure a database that was understood to be in use for marketing purposes. This database contained the details of some 900,000 people, most of whom were customers. It was accessed at least once during the period it was left unsecure from April 2019 by an unknown person, and the issue was only discovered by a third-party security researcher.
In response to the data leak, leading consumer action and data breach claims experts Your Lawyers launched a group legal case for justice. If you are one of the people told that your private information was exposed in this leak, you can start your legal claim easily here now.
This month marks the second anniversary of the news hitting the headlines that Virgin Media had suffered a major data leak, with breach notifications being sent to victims.
We were contacted right away by concerned victims. As we are open on most weekends, we were able to advise people immediately who had been receiving notifications on the Friday. Right away, our expert legal team knew that this was a major data breach that required us to launch a legal group action, and that is exactly what we did.
Now, as we mark the second anniversary of the news of the Virgin Media data breach, we have made significant progress for the thousands of clients that we act for. There is still time to claim at the time of this blog, but we urge you to start your claim for compensation as a matter of urgency.
The Your Lawyers Virgin Media data leak compensation action is still open for anyone affected by the privacy exposure revealed in 2020 to sign up and join here now.
Eligible clients are still in time to join the action now and benefit from our No Win, No Fee legal representation. We are now almost two years on from when the data breach first hit the headlines, and we continue to fight for justice for the thousands of victims of the breach that we represent.
We have been in the media a lot about data actions in general, as well as in relation to this case in particular. If you have yet to join the action, we recommend that you sign up as soon as you can to avoid missing out.
We are representing Claimants pursuing compensation arising from the Virgin Media Data Breach announced in March 2020.
If you have received confirmation that you have been affected by the data breach incident, you could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in data breach compensation with us now on a No Win, No Fee basis.
We are a leading Consumer Action and Data Breach law firm that is representing Claimants in over 40 different group and multi-party actions. We sit on the Steering Committee for the first GDPR Group Litigation Order (GLO) action in England and Wales, the British Airways Group Action.
If a formal court action is established in this case, there will be a cut-off date to join. We recommend that you sign-up to start your case as soon as possible.
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