An employee data breach- victims and wrongdoers

human error data breaches

In an employee data breach, the impact to both the employers and the employees can be severe, due to the long-term damage which the exposure of data can provoke.

Employees represent a two-sided data protection risk to businesses: on the one hand, employees can be responsible for the ‘human error’ data breaches that plague our headlines, or they could themselves be the victims at the centre of a data breach.

As such, an internal, employee data breach could be no less damaging to a company’s reputation and expenses than a customer data breach, so employee data protection should never be taken lightly. In terms of the Virgin Media data breach, this is a pivotal factor to consider.

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Make sure to join the Virgin Media Group Action before it is too late

payment card fraud

Make sure that you join the Virgin Media Group Action as soon as you can. There may be some big developments taking place in 2021, and you do not want to miss your chance to claim.

There are plenty of good reasons to claim, and with our No Win, No Fee representation on offer, what have you got to lose?

As a leading firm of consumer action and data breach compensation experts, we are here to help. Starting your legal case is simple and easy with our website here, and as the representatives of thousands of clients in dozens of group and multi-party actions, we are well established to help you now.

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The Virgin Media data leak and what 2021 holds

Virgin Media Data Breach Compensation

The Virgin Media data leak was one of many that took place in 2020 as we continue to see a huge surge in breaches and cyberattacks taking place.

We are now more than two years on from the introduction of the GDPR that ought to have acted as a clear deterrent to avoid these kinds of avoidable data leaks taking place. Despite the power of the new regulations, we continue to see a substantial number of breaches, and we are left wondering if the situation will ever relent.

One key thing to know is that the GDPR can empower victims of a data breach to be able to claim compensation. Although the deterrent element of the law may not be working as effectively as it should be, the power for consumers to take action remains in place.

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Compensation claims for corporate data breach victims – Virgin Media

corporate data breach victims

It is important for corporate data breach victims to make a compensation claim. In the case of the Virgin Media data breach, we are fighting for justice for a large group of victims on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Many victims may not know that they can even make a claim, or they may be scared to take on huge corporations. That’s where we can help – we know the distress and upset that can be caused when your personal information is involved in a data breach, which is why we take claims forward on a No Win, No Fee basis for eligible clients.

Corporate data breach victims, such as the 900,000 victims of the Virgin Media data breach, can be legally entitled to make compensation claims. When corporations breach data protection laws, it is your right to claim compensation and hold the corporation to account; to bring justice for yourself and for the other victims. By making compensation claims, you can also help to make sure that the company takes data breaches seriously in the hopes that they put systems in place to prevent further breaches as well.

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How to prevent data breaches

Virgin Media data leak inappropriate access to personal information

When it comes to data security, it is vital that companies know how to prevent data breaches and put all the correct systems in place to do so.

In cases of huge data breaches that could have been prevented, such as the Virgin Media data breach, it is important that the organisation is held to account for their actions and that they are encouraged to put preventative measures in place. Really, it should not happen in the first place all, but we cannot stop companies having a lax attitude to data security.

Our job is to hold organisations to account for their irresponsibility in the hopes that said organisations will take data security seriously in the future, and to make sure victims get some form of justice. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) is responsible for assessing a breach and implementing fines, but we are responsible for taking data breach compensation claims forward and getting victims the justice that victims deserve.

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Be wary of fraudsters posing as Virgin Media employees

Virgin Media data breach risks

If you are one of the 900,000 victims affected by the Virgin Media data breach, it is vital that you watch out for scams. You could be targeted by fraudsters posing as Virgin Media employees who are attempting to successfully scam you with cold calls and phishing emails.

The Virgin Media data breach affected 900,000 victims, with the majority being broadband and landline customers and a smaller percentage being Virgin Mobile customers. The breach was discovered by an independent security researcher TurgenSec who then informed Virgin Media. The telecoms giant has since stated the breach was a result of an ‘incorrectly configured’ database.

If you have been affected by this data breach, you could be eligible to make a compensation claim today for the distress caused by the loss of control of your personal information. You could also claim for financial losses incurred as a result of the breach, or from scams from fraudsters posing as Virgin Media employees if this has happened and it is linked directly to the breach event.

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Companies are unprepared for cyberattacks

sharing information without consent

Recent high-profile data breaches like the Virgin Media data breach have highlighted how companies and organisations are unprepared for cyberattacks and preventing them from happening.

While the Virgin Media data breach did not arise from a cyberattack, and was due to information being left exposed, criminals use the same techniques security researchers do to find exposed information. As such, allowing so much information to be left exposed has led to victims being at risk of cyberattacks, and this shows a clear lack of preparedness.

It is vital that, in this digital age, organisations have adequate security measures and systems in place to prevent the inevitability of data breaches and hacks.

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Are data breaches inevitable?

Virgin Media Group Action Your Lawyers in the media

With the seemingly large amount of recent data breaches and cases of hackers accessing private information, you may be wondering: are data breaches inevitable?

This article will briefly explore exactly how preventable data breaches can be.

A recent example of a serious data breach is the Virgin Media Data breach which affected 900,000 victims. The victims had their personal data exposed online for a ten-month period between April 2019 and 28th February 2020, with at least one unknown third-party accessing the information during the breach period. This breach stemmed from an ‘incorrectly configured’ database as a result of employee error.

Considering this case, are data breaches inevitable when simple errors take place? The breach could have been prevented if the employee had correctly configured the database, so the answer appears to be a resounding yes.

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Virgin Media data breach compensation amounts

Lawyers In The News

Victims of the Virgin Media data breach could be eligible to claim up to £5,000 in data breach compensation amounts.

The Virgin Media breach is prime an example of a sizeable and well-respected company not taking data security seriously, in our view. The number of people involved in the breach is shocking, and the only way to hold Virgin Media to account is if victims claim compensation and hold the company to account for their actions. This is also the way in which victims can seek the justice that they deserve.

We are currently taking claims forward for victims of the Virgin Media data breach and are encouraging anyone affected to join our claim. We already represent a large number of victims and we are ready to help you. We have years of experience dealing with data breach claims and actions, and we have helped thousands of victims claim millions in damages across all of our multi-party and group action cases.

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Virgin Media incident and how you can claim for a human error data breach

human error data breaches

When an incident occurs, it is often termed as a “human error data breach”, and this term has been applied to the Virgin Media data leak uncovered earlier this year.

Human error data breaches occur regularly and can cause a great deal of harm, which is why they are important to highlight. It is vital to know that you can claim compensation for a human error data breach, and we will explain this here today.

Data breaches of any nature can be extremely serious, putting individuals at risk by exposing their highly sensitive personal data. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is in place to protect individual’s data and ensure organisations face serious consequences for causing a breach. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) can investigate the circumstances of each breach and place fines on organisations, relevant to the seriousness of the breach.

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We are representing Claimants pursuing compensation arising from the Virgin Media Data Breach announced in March 2020.

If you have received confirmation that you have been affected by the data breach incident, you could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in data breach compensation with us now on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We are a leading Consumer Action and Data Breach law firm that is representing Claimants in over 40 different group and multi-party actions. We sit on the Steering Committee for the first GDPR Group Litigation Order (GLO) action in England and Wales, the British Airways Group Action.

If a formal court action is established in this case, there will be a cut-off date to join. We recommend that you sign-up to start your case as soon as possible.

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