Tag: Group Action

Virgin Media data breach – join our claim for compensation

payment card fraud

The Virgin Media data breach saw the exposure of 900,000 UK people’s personal data, all of whom may be eligible to join our claim for compensation.

As specialists in data breach law, we believe that it is unacceptable that Virgin Media endangered private information, given that they have a legal duty to keep this data safe. Data controllers have an ongoing responsibility to protect the personal data entrusted to them, but too often they neglect this duty. When these organisations fail to prepare for external cybersecurity and cyber exposure threats, the blame can fall on them. They can, therefore, be held liable for the damage caused under the law.

If you were notified of your involvement in the Virgin Media data breach, you may be able to claim compensation for the harm caused – use our online form to sign up today.

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Criminals target sensitive data for misuse

Virgin Media compensation for a GDPR breach

One of the main costs of a data breach at any organisation can be the risk it poses to the victims, who often become vulnerable to cybercrime. In today’s digital age, personal data is a valuable resource for those wishing to commit identity theft or fraud, meaning that many criminals target sensitive data when they hack or access company systems.

In the knowledge that their databases are prime targets for cybercriminals, organisations need to be aware of the risks that they can face and take action to prevent them. Although data protection is a legal requirement for any data controller, many still fail to take their duties seriously. As such, the risk when it comes to the data security of their members, customers and employees remains a problem.

We believe that the Virgin Media data breach is one such case of data protection negligence. The victims were unnecessarily exposed to potential cybercrime risks, meaning that they may be able to claim compensation from Virgin Media. If you were notified of your involvement in the data breach, you can sign up to claim via our online form here today.

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Data breach teams and the protection of personal data

Virgin Media Class Action data breach group action lawyers

While many companies assure customers that they take data protection very seriously, these promises are beginning to seem empty as more and more data breaches occur. Data breach teams, whether they are IT experts or simply nominated employees, have a duty to protect personal information through good procedures and appropriate cybersecurity, and they must also know how to respond when a data breach does occur.

It only adds insult to injury for the victims when a company flounders in the wake of a data breach.

When data breach teams prove to be unfit for purpose, it is often customers or consumers who pay the price. Virgin Media lost the trust of consumers after exposing their personal data, and we believe that the company must be held accountable for its actions. We have launched a group action in order to recover compensation for the victims, and you can start your claim today if you were affected.

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Hackers target personal data for criminal purposes

hackers target personal data

In this digital age, personal data has become a valuable commodity. It is often used for the legitimate commercial purposes of businesses, but it is also misused in criminal activity. Its worth means that hackers target personal data from many different sources, and by many different methods. The risks which we are exposed to as a consequence of data theft can be significant.

Unfortunately, companies often fail to properly secure the information that they hold, making it much easier for hackers to access. The failure to protect personal data sufficiently can often constitute as a breach of the GDPR, which enshrines each UK citizen’s right to have their data held securely.

Victims of the Virgin Media data breach can now claim in our group action to hold the company to account for exposing their personal information. If you were affected, you can register for your compensation claim today via our online sign-up form.

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Cybersecurity systems breached in data leaks

Virgin Media data leak inappropriate access to personal information

With vast quantities of private information being held in digital format, most businesses and organisations rely on cybersecurity systems to safeguard the personal data under their protection.

The advanced technology available can mean that the majority of external cybersecurity threats can be parried automatically. However, there is still an element of user operation required in the running of these systems, so human errors can sometimes create holes in cybersecurity defences.

Sometimes, a cybersecurity failure can provoke a devastating data breach, as we saw in the case of the Virgin Media data breach that exposed the information of 900,000 people. We have launched a group action to help the victims achieve justice for the risks that they have been exposed to, and many could be entitled to thousands of pounds in compensation. To claim in our group action, you can use our online sign-up form to get started on this site.

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Companies must have excellent cybersecurity teams

Virgin Media compensation deadline

As a leading firm of data breach specialists, we believe that the demands of the digital age necessitate excellent cybersecurity teams in all businesses. In smaller companies, this may just mean one or two people dedicated to ensuring the systems are protected, but bigger companies with significant data handling responsibilities will often need an expert team to carefully consider their data protection strategies.

Unfortunately, many companies have yet to approach data protection with the careful consideration that it deserves. This can arise from using outdated methods, or hiring employees without the necessary expertise or diligence. The overall carelessness at some companies can often result in a data breach, with customers frequently bearing the brunt of the information exposure.

We believe that the neglect of data protection duties brought about the Virgin Media data breach, and we are determined to achieve justice for all the affected victims. If you suffered as a result of the breach, you may be able to join our group action and claim thousands of pounds in compensation.

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Virgin Media and sensitive data being exposed

data breach distress compensation

We witness sensitive data being exposed far too often in this digital age, as hackers develop more sophisticated methods of stealing personal information. However, it is not just that cybercrime is becoming more advanced that is the problem. Companies like Virgin Media that neglect to follow data protection requirements are also contributing to the exposure of personal data.

If you have had sensitive data exposed, you may be able to claim compensation if it is found that the company involved failed to meet their data protection duties. The effects of having your private information exposed can be extremely distressing, but the law is there to support you in your right to sufficient data protection.

Any victims of the Virgin Media data breach still have a chance to claim compensation for the exposure of their personal data. If you believe you have a claim to make, you can sign up to our group action and we can quickly get your claim underway.

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What to do when personal data is exposed

compensation for the security breach

Victims of data breaches can often feel helpless and anxious when they find out that their information has been leaked or stolen. When personal data is exposed, the impact can be dangerous, like we saw in the Virgin Media breach. As such, it is important that those affected know what actions they can take to protect themselves and seek justice for what has happened.

Beyond taking safety precautions, victims of data breaches may also be able to claim compensation from the third party that is responsible for their personal data being exposed. We believe that organisations that fail to protect private information and breach data protection law should always be held accountable, which is why we have been pursuing data breach claims and group actions since 2014.

One of our biggest lawsuits is our action here against Virgin Media on behalf of the victims of the company’s data breach. If you were affected by the Virgin Media data breach, you still have a chance to claim compensation, so sign up to get your case underway.

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Virgin Media breach and recovering data security compensation

compensation for a security breach Virgin Media data security breach

The digital age has brought with it significant threats to personal data, which has now become a highly prized commodity for cybercriminals and fraudsters. Unfortunately, many third-party organisations can underestimate just how valuable this information is, and they may fail to protect it in the manner it deserves. If your data has been endangered by a negligent company, you may be eligible to claim data security compensation, and this is the case in the Virgin Media breach incident.

Your right to proper data protection is enshrined in law, meaning that those found to be in breach of this right can be taken to task for any harm that they have caused. The situation is no different for victims of the Virgin Media data breach, many of whom have already joined our group action to begin their fight for justice.

If you would like to join their ranks and sign up for representation with a reliable and knowledgeable firm of leading data breach and group action lawyers, simply use one of our online forms to confirm your eligibility now.

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Data security training – a tool to prevent data breaches

Virgin Media data breach case Compensation Values

Despite the necessity of cybersecurity and data protection measures for all businesses and organisations, there are frequently holes in their defences that can lead to the exposure of personal data. In fact, data breaches frequently occur as a result of human error, suggesting that many employees are poorly educated when it comes to data security training and their own responsibilities.

When hit by major data breaches, organisations often try to frame ‘human errors’ as honest, one-off mistakes, but they cannot get away with this as an excuse. They are obligated by law to protect personal information, which means that any victims of data breaches can have a right to claim compensation.

If you were affected by the Virgin Media data breach, you could be eligible for thousands of pounds in compensation, so sign-up today to make your claim.

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We are representing Claimants pursuing compensation arising from the Virgin Media Data Breach announced in March 2020.

If you have received confirmation that you have been affected by the data breach incident, you could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in data breach compensation with us now on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We are a leading Consumer Action and Data Breach law firm that is representing Claimants in over 40 different group and multi-party actions. We sit on the Steering Committee for the first GDPR Group Litigation Order (GLO) action in England and Wales, the British Airways Group Action.

If a formal court action is established in this case, there will be a cut-off date to join. We recommend that you sign-up to start your case as soon as possible.

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